* none - does not display bookmarks or thumbnails (default)
* PDF control PEMs can only be accessed after it's loaded * TRY.ENDTRY will prevent crash in case when it's not loaded TRY loDoc = Thisform.oWB. * Display the name in the textbox Thisform.txtPdfName. Click * Get PDF file name Thisform.cPdf FileName = GETFILE( "pdf") * PDF display can be adjusted as shown in AdjustPdfView method * Uncomment next line if you want to do that and add AdjustPdfView method to the form/class *This.AdjustPdfView() ENDPROC PROCEDURE command1. OBJECT.ReadyState 4) ĪND ( SECONDS() - lnSeconds) < This.nPdfLoadTimeout * Wait for load to complete lnSeconds = SECONDS()ĭO WHILE ( Thisform.oWB. * Clear Web browser control by loading blank page Thisform.oWB. * Required in VFP8 and earlier to prevent an error NODEFAULT ENDPROC PROCEDURE ShowPdf Height = 17, Left = 36, Top = 474, Width = 63, Ĭaption = "PDF Name", Name = "Label1" PROCEDURE Refresh

OleClass = "Shell.Explorer.2", Name = "oWB" ADD OBJECT label1 AS label WITH Top = 469, Left = 623, Height = 27, Width = 84, Ĭaption = "View PDF", Name = "Command1" ADD OBJECT owb AS ole control WITH T., Name = "txtPdfName" ADD OBJECT command1 AS commandbutton WITH Height = 520Ĭaption = "Form1" Name = "Form1" * PDF file name cPdfFileName = "=SPACE(0)" * How long to wait for PDF to load nPdfLoadTimeout = 30 RETURN DEFINE CLASS form1 AS form Autocenter =.
Drop a command button on the form and copy code from command1.Click into its click method.Create method ShowPdf on the form and copy code from PROCEDURE ShowPdf there.Drop olecontrol on the form and pick Microsoft Web Browser.Add Property cPdfFileName to the form and assign empty string (=SPACE(0)) to it.To create a form (.SCX) use following steps Note 4 The code below has been generated by Class Browser from a form. More info on PDF ActiveX control can be found in Interapplication Communication API Reference from Acrobat 8.1 SDK or Acrobat 9.0 SDK at.

Note 3 Optionally, PDF display can be adjusted by calling methods of PDF ActiveX control after PDF is loaded as shown in AdjustPdfView method posted separately after sample form. loIE.Navigate( "file://" + lcPdf FileName) LoIE = Createobject( "internetexplorer.application")